Monday, 11 May 2009

Interview with Root System

In trying to figure out what makes ska music appealing to scots, I decided to ask Root System the brief question of:

'What in your opinion makes Ska music so appealing to Scottish people?'

The reply I received was: 

We love playing ska cos it makes us go mental and forget everything an it does the same tae the crowd if they want it.Its no hard tae get scottish folk up fer a party just add sambuca an some root toot toot system.

This response makes it seem to me as if it is almost a working class thing, as from the context of the reply, root system are very much down to earth and would not consider ska to be an exclusive thing. I would not imagine that the upper class would be extremely interested in drinking and the need to 'forget everything', which makes it seem to me as if the working class use Ska for a party and to forget their income troubles, and work. 

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